This is an extract from Theodore Roosevelt’s speech. And it touches me greatly. It gives me a place to stand when I fail. When I’m weak and uncomfortable in front of people whom I fear would judge me. And this is being vulnerable. As Brene Brown says “Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat, it’s understanding the necessity of both, its engaging. It’s being all in”.
The risk of being judged, the risk of failing is what I make a choice to take. Not to wait until I’m perfect. I’ll never be perfect. So I don’t want to waste my time waiting to be perfect which can never happen in human experience. I’m walking into the arena of talking to my loved ones on difficult conversations, connecting to people everywhere however uncomfortable it is, instead of sitting on the sidelines and giving advice.
I’m daring to be judged and fail. At least I’m in the arena. Are you willing? A daring morning π