We are all so wired to success as a high paying job, a house and a car and a happy(smiling) family. But people who have reached here know that this is not success for them and doesn’t make them happy. So then what’s success actually? Thats different for each of us. Just listening to people is success for me, teaching to children may be success for another, baking a cake may be success, just having time for self may be success for someone. Success need not be big things. So are you interested to know what’s success for you? Then ask yourself.
But notice where you search for the answer. You search your memory where knowledge about success is stored. But that was told to you by the society or your parents or your friends or due to peer pressure. “It Is a very competitive world”, “we have to be updated with recent news”, “Money and position are the measures of success”. From where did we get all this that you are so gripped by these? We even facilitate only those who produce results and not the ones who think differently or those who take risk and fail. And we still forward messages telling others to take risk and think differently π. So where are you looking for the answer to what’s success? Discover.
A discovering morningπ
Am I on the way to goal without diviating ,has to be confirmed with every action ,thought and what we feel at every time .