Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Learn to let go

I have not come across a human being who doesn’t have regrets and resentments. They are just there in our environment and we are passing them on to our children just like we are passing on pollution. Would you  want your child to loose out on a wonderful future just because of this resentments and regrets that you are harbouring? If you are wondering, does your resentment have so much power to kill your child’s future, the answer is YES. 

I’ve seen many children impacted so badly by the resentment and regrets of their parents. And the child expresses anguish and helplessness and doesn’t know how they are responsible. They have ended up blaming themselves for their parents resentments and so stop believing in themselves. And a child who doesn’t believe in self doesn’t get to create a happy future. Do you want to leave such a legacy for your children?

So my dear friends, let’s learn to let go of our resentments and regrets of our life. Be it a dream that you couldn’t fulfil, or a shameful experience or someone molested or a angry parent or being beaten or not being cared for or any unwanted experience of your life. Let go such that we can give our children a healthy environment to nurture their dreams. 

Write down all your regrets and resentments and acknowledge them with love and release them, giving them a loving cremation by burning them. 

Let’s make this world a healthy place to grow and evolve.