Wednesday, July 24, 2019

You and conditioning

Continuing from what I posted yesterday about our belief regarding happiness and sadness, I see that, every other thought that I have is not my thought at all. It’s something being told to me since my birth. So every single thought that I have is told to me. It’s not me. But I defend these thoughts as if they are mine and while defending, I miss on actual life happening in front of me. I miss on relationships because I focus on defending and fighting for my thoughts. How absurd isn’t it?

So It’s our beliefs that create the reality for us. These beliefs take the form of superstitions that control our life’s. The more you say it’s not a superstition, it continues to be a superstition and controls your life. The moment you accept it as a superstition, then it no longer is a superstition and it’s grip on you loosens. That’s when you win and can create a new reality devoid of the belief. Start to recognise beliefs as beliefs and not reality for you to see new realities that you want.

And once you can get that those beliefs and thoughts are not yours, you can stop fighting for them and start to value relationships more than those thoughts and beliefs.

A real morning 😊

1 comment:

  1. Being in present, as a new human being, taking action on court and consiving the past and transforming it to the next level, as needed, to achive the final destination .
