Saturday, July 6, 2019

My feedback to self πŸ˜‰

I don’t know what to share today. I’m thinking I should share something appropriate or something that others will like. If what I post is not good, then what will people think of me? So I’m wondering how my life is controlled by what others think even though they don’t say anything. What they think about me takes the centre stage in my decision making. How absurd right? And the most funniest is that what others may be thinking is also my thinking. Oh god!!!! This is stressing me out. Can’t I only think of what I mean to myself and what I think? I can. And that needs effort and practice.

And if every human beings starts to think for themselves, wouldn’t the world be a more authentic place to live in? Wouldn’t we stop looking good for others? Wouldn’t that reduce stress in us and make us happier?

I’m starting that practice. Would you join me in this?

Enjoy the weekend that’s in front of you and feel blessed. 


  1. Interesting and funny thoughts too. I feel its lik reflecting your inner core of artist in thoughts. Really appreciable. πŸ‘πŸΌ

  2. Have been practising this for sometime now... nd it's wonderful
