Thursday, June 20, 2019

Is love true??

This is such a wonderful question to ask which shifts my view from being a victim to being a learner. Many circumstances in my life I could shift by asking this question. Even now there’s a situation in my life that can make me feel sad and angry and spoil my days. My partner who loved me a lot suddenly is saying he doesn’t love me. This shattered me for a while. But then I asked the above question and started to see what am I supposed to learn. I’m seeing that I need to learn to love unconditionally irrespective of what my partner says or does. And still I being happy and joyous loving him. Is that possible? I’m slowly seeing that possible. I am able to love him more and love myself too. I’m amazed at the amount of love and compassion I have for him and myself. Today I feel privileged to be able to love this way. I thank my partner for teaching me this. Love him more for this. 

I know this seems crazy but it’s worth the life I live. I’m so grateful to life and to myself for giving me this learning. 

So start to see any circumstance around you this way. Life will uncomplicate itself. 

A learning morning to all 😃😃


  1. It's difficult to see in every circumstances...I know it's in my language...but still showing love is difficult and foolishness ?? Rite ...

  2. Love urself n u will need nothing else!
    Love urself n that's more than enough because to love anything, anyone 24/7, 365 days n whole life is not enough!
    Love urself everything n everyone will just love to love you! But u don't love urself to attract love, but love urself knowing that u r lovely n lovable n it's thrilling adventurous love affair! To love n get loved turn inside, outside is mostly just illusion of love most of the time n result of our needs n insecurities!
    Love urself, be love!
    Just like, there is no way to happiness but happiness is the way, there is no way to love than being love! :)
