Thursday, July 4, 2019


We all have millions of thoughts that run in our minds every minute but very few we become aware of. In those that we become aware of, some are important for us which we think more number of times. And very few become our priorities.

 They could be thoughts that take us to the future or that push us back to the past. The ones that push us to the past will either make us worry and suffer (if it’s a past failure) or take us on an ego trip (if it’s a past success). 

 The ones that take us to the future become what we call as goals or intention or dreams. When you start to articulate them in language and share with people, then intention starts it’s journey towards reality. And when action is added, it actually manifests in the physical reality. 

And you have a choice to choose which thought you want to choose to give importance to. That which takes you back to the past or that which pulls you into the future. 

Happy choosing 😉

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