Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Happy to be sad

I’ve learnt to value my fear, my insecurities, my anger and my weaknesses. Because it’s by valuing and facing these and going beyond, that I could see life, love and aliveness. So friends, don’t shun them or escape them or try to get rid of them. Love them too, for they are the bridge to what you are looking for.

And crossing that bridge of insecurities requires you to face them, acknowledge them and love them the way they are. And when you do that, even the so called negative emotion will stop troubling you. It’s like inviting yourself to be happy when you are sad. Weird right? I discovered this when I realised that I can be sad because I know what happiness is. Means I’ve been happy many times. Then why not experience sadness that way only and be grateful to life. So let’s learn to be happy to be sad. That’s our humanity right? (Maybe That’s what we call as crying to your hearts content).

So You are perfect the way you are. Even with flaws. By the way, who labelled them as flaws?? Ask yourself this. And once you get the answer, take a walk with your flaws and chill.

A chill morning πŸ˜ƒ (it’s very chilly and cold outside too)


  1. You talk about something which doesn't fit normally 😍 amazing lines ... My favorite part today" who labelled them as flaws". Thank you πŸ˜„

  2. This is what I have realised too!!! Good to read it from you!!! Love you!!!! <3

  3. What a thoughtful read,thanks for posting

  4. Life= sad = happy = life = life , it goes on goes on , one is complementry to each other, hug and invite as needed .
