Thursday, July 11, 2019

My morning 🙃

Today I woke up sad ☹️ feeling not wanted and unloved. I’m filled with doubting my own capabilities. Initially (at 5.15 am) I didn’t want to go for my walk. One voice in my head told me let’s not go today since I’m feeling low. Then another voice in my head said, ‘more the reason that you should go for walk so that you’ll feel fresh’. So now I was in two minds and I had to make a choice. Then I remembered my promise to myself that I’ll go walking everyday. I chose to honour that word and promise and went out for walk.

Even though I’m still not as excited to start the day, I’m glad I didn’t give in to my reasons and I honoured my word. At least that guilt didn’t get added. Also now I’m able to see that ‘I’m unwanted and unloved’ is all my own mind telling me and that’s not true. Even doubting myself is my own thoughts that if allowed can grip me for a long time.

Now, I choose to look forward for life standing in the present moment and experiencing the joy (also the sadness) right now.

A pleasant and a present day to you 😃🙃

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