Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Love just to love

So no matter how fully equipped you are in life, there are things that make us realise that we are still not fully prepared for those uncertainties in life that can take us off guard.

Right now in my life, I love someone very dearly and it was going very well when suddenly he didn’t want me anymore in his life. However strong I claim I am or being a counsellor I know how to handle such situations, right now I’m vulnerable and I’m happy to be so since I’m human and I don’t need to be strong and happy always. Also I don’t need to have all answers too.

So I have questions. 😃. Like, should my loving him depend on whether he loves me on not? Or should I love him only if he behaves in a particular way? Does he not wanting me means there is something wrong in me? Or How can he behave this way? Or Is he worthy of my love?

Oh god..... questions are valid, but is it a must that I need to find answers? I’ve realised that having questions is enough. Answers not required. And I can still make a choice. A choice to be someone I love to be. To love him irrespective of how he is or how he behaves. If he doesn’t receive my love, he’s the looser isn’t it? I still get to love him and I’m at peace. So I’m right now there in that space of love and compassion for him.

I chose to share my life here so that you may find something for your life. If so do share with me.

A compassionate day to you 


  1. Wonderful.... thanks for sharing.. on court applying is difficult...but u t doing.... inspiring ...

    1. You are blessed to experience love .. just free yourself from attached conditions of it's acceptance and desire for fulfillment. It's wonderful overwhelming experience , making you vulnerable and receptive to all the beauty of life...

  2. Akka, dear ones leave us just to give us this opportunity to love them no matter what they are, how they behave with us. My experience with my ex has turned me into a new myself which I am ever grateful for. I love your honesty and sharing, it helps other to open up and be honest with themselves. Thanks for your inspiration.
