Sunday, June 9, 2019

Recipe called LOVE

All my life until now I’ve been searching for love as a thing or an ingredient missing in the recipe of my life. But it’s only recently that I discovered that love is the recipe itself. And it’s not something that is given or taken. It’s a way of being. And it starts with me. I am LOVE. 

Does a bird need lessons in flying? Or a fish needs to learn swimming? So when I got that I am LOVE, I don’t need to give or take love, I am love. I experienced it for myself, then towards others who love me and hate me alike. And that fulfils me. So now I am not the ingredient. I am the recipe and the dish. And I can feel that. 

You too are the recipe. So don’t go fishing for the missing ingredient anywhere. It’s you that’s LOVE. And allow your loved ones to feel that too.  Ready?


  1. Yes, appreciable and nice thoughs with deep understanding. So do we not need validation or reciprocation of love. Is my being love is sufficient for my existence.

  2. Nice one ... adding a bit of logic to what you are saying - we experience love twice when we love someone and get the same in return. However we experience it only once when we love someone but don't get the same in return. And also once when someone gives love but we are unable to return. Hence the later two cases are logically same- we experience love only once. Conclusion- its easier to just love others so that we are sure to experience love and also dependence on others not required.

  3. State of "being", being brimming with love... lovely thougt.You are really making a lot of difference in lives of others.
