Friday, July 3, 2020

Open your heart to Yourself


      One day I was sitting sad and disappointed after facing a breakdown. And at that moment it seemed like my guardian angel spoke to me saying, “This is just a barrier my dear which you’ll overcome just like you have overcome so many barriers in the past”. That made me to look at my past and see the Miracle and Magic that I am.

The miracle I am, 



From the loss of my daughter to gaining so many daughters,

From divorce to connecting people,

From anger on my nose to love filled all over,

From being unwanted to being lovable,

From someone who’s unwilling to listen to being someone who’s power lies in listening,

From blaming and complaining on others to loving the way they are,

From working to earn money and to prove myself to working to make a difference to myself and others,

From worrying about what others will think about me to allowing them to think of the weirdest thing about me 😉,

From being unsecured about money to trusting the process of life of abundance,

From feeling guilty, regretful, resentful to feeling love, compassion, empathy, courage,

From being afraid to show my weakness to being vulnerable to bare open my authentic self,

From having rigid beliefs about having fun and joy to being someone where fun is natural,


Uffff.... so much I am and much more. A wonder in myself like Alice in wonderland. Slowly trudging the path inside me to catch a glimpse of myself, of who I am. I’m a pleasure to be with as much as a pain to be with too 😃.


I’m inviting you all to my world and share the wonderful flowers in my garden and also to show the shitty swamp whenever you come across. 


And look for who You are and the Miracle You are. And start to see those imperfections as a reminder of “I am work in Progress…”. Being work in progress is a blessing than being a finished product.


Welcome  😘


  1. You have spoken the true reality of life.
    Your life should be a model,for hundreds of that they can take a leaf out of your life.
    Truely an inspirational messsge from you.
    Thanks Padma

  2. What a authentic share.
    Touched :*
    Looking forward for more...
    Hungry ;)
