Saturday, September 21, 2019

Daring to live

This is an extract from Theodore Roosevelt’s speech. And it touches me greatly. It gives me a place to stand when I fail. When I’m weak and uncomfortable in front of people whom I fear would judge me. And this is being vulnerable. As Brene Brown says “Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat, it’s understanding the necessity of both, its engaging. It’s being all in”. 

The risk of being judged, the risk of failing is what I make a choice to take.  Not to wait until I’m perfect. I’ll never be perfect. So I don’t want to waste my time waiting to be perfect which can never happen in human experience. I’m walking into the arena of talking to my loved ones on difficult conversations, connecting to people everywhere however uncomfortable it is, instead of sitting on the sidelines and giving advice. 

I’m daring to be judged and fail. At least I’m in the arena. Are you willing? A daring morning πŸ˜ƒ

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Letting go to live

There was this man who went along with a group to climb the Everest. An avalanche separated him from the group and he was left alone in between from where he had to dissent to reach to safety. At that moment he said “Oh God, help me” and as a miracle he saw a rope which he could use and started to climb down using the rope. He was so afraid that he didn’t want to see down at all. 

It was getting dark and at one stage he couldn’t see anything and again he shouted “Oh God, help me”. Then a voice said “My son, leave the rope and you’ll be safe”. But the man said “The rope is the only thing that’s saving me now. I’ll fall and die if I leave the rope”. Then God said “Trust me son, leave the rope and you’ll be safe”. But the man didn’t listen and he kept holding on to the rope the whole night and died on the rope due to the extreme cold condition. In the morning when seen, the distance between him and the ground was 2 feet. He just had to trust. 

This is how we too live without trust, not letting go. Holding on to the beliefs that we thing are right, holding on to the house that we are emotionally attached to, holding on to how right we are, holding on to money, holding on to wanting success, holding on to so many things that we don’t need at all and if let gone, will make us lighter and free. How long do you want to hold on to that and die?  Let go. 

A light morning 😊

Friday, September 6, 2019

Adult Children

Being a life coach, I get to speak to a lot of people of different age groups. Young children (actually children) and also Adult children(like you and meπŸ˜ƒ).

Speaking to young children I’ve heard them say “my parents say whatever they say for my good and they are right” even when the parents have rebuked them saying “you are dumb” or “you can’t even do this much?” Or “so silly of you”  or any small criticising remark reaches as a truth to the child. Even if it’s a joke, the child takes it seriously. This is because they love you to the core. And whatever comes out of your mouth is etched in their minds. They just can’t stop loving you. But because they feel that “I’m not good enough to please my parents who are doing so much for me”, they stop loving themselves.

This is what happened to you too when you were a child and that inner child keeps still asking for that love and acceptance from the Adult you. Notice, you may be following the same parenting style of your parents if you liked it or against it if you disliked it. That doesn’t work. Your children are different from the way you were. You also need to learn by trial and error. And they too need to make mistakes and learn. Allow them to learn and you too learn with them.

A learning morning to you πŸ˜ƒ

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Love is me

And believe me, becoming love is one of the profound journey that I’m enjoying being in. Of course like anyone else, I started to find that ‘one’ who is my love. When that one didn’t want to be the ‘one’, I started to turn my attention to the ‘one’ who is always with me and never leaves.

Yes, that’s me myself. I’m the ‘one’ that I’ve been searching. And when I started to constitute myself as ‘Love’, I started to discover that I can just be someone who can love and is lovable. Instead of focusing on one kind of love, I started to see many other kinds of love that I never saw before.

And now I see abundance of people around me who love me for who I am. And I’m so moved with how I see my parents and friends now that at times I regret being so myopic about finding the one.

And now I don’t need to find the one. I am the one. 😊