"Stop swimming so hard and hop into the boat." Rumi says this aptly. Let's Pause for a while to dig deeper into this statement and see its profoundness.
As humans evolved, our ancestors faced multiple dangers and threats, and they had to fight for survival. Hence, over time, we got genetically programmed to react to such threats and worry and stress became a part of our survival instincts. Today, if someone doesn't take stress or doesn't react much, they are called irresponsible and lazy. People are expected to struggle and be extremely hard-working to be recognised. They need to adhere to the culture, and rules of society and be good to everyone. As humans evolved and our bodies and minds developed, these societal conditions have become barriers to authentic expressions and hence life turns into a struggle.
How about we consider that as our brains are evolving in thinking, we are forgetting to feel and hence emotions are being neglected. This is very detrimental to us humans and whatever stress we are facing is due to that neglect. In fact, it is the balance of thinking and feeling that connects to the consciousness. "Feelings lead us to consciousness" is what neuroscientist Antonio Damasio says and he is clear that we need to connect to our emotions to reach higher consciousness. When we can connect to our feelings and listen to the messages they give, we then can hop onto the boat of consciousness which then will build our trust in divine intervention. This will help us reduce our struggle and just do what is needed and required and have faith in the divine doing its job. This is complete surrender. I have experienced this leading to a very simple lifestyle where I have all the time in the world to do everything that I want to do and earn myself the life that I deserve. I have stopped worrying about making mistakes or worrying about what people will think. I just take the required actions and allow the result or consequences to emerge. If it's an unpleasant result, then I work towards acknowledging and accepting that wholeheartedly believing that's happened for my highest good. So let's learn to hop on the boat of divine guidance by accepting the reality the way it is and believing everything is happening for my highest good even though I can't understand that.
This requires you to slow down a little and explore yourself through mindfulness and becoming aware of your emotions. Join us at Bhaavtharang to explore yourself...
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